
Tarifs des cours

Pour les cours collectifs, se référer aux studios respectifs mentionnés sur les lieux.

Private classes: would you like to book a private class?

Cours privés (une ou deux personnes) :

  • Cours de yoga privé de 60 minutes : 65 euros
  • Cours de yoga privé de 60 minutes, forfait prépayé de 5
    à prendre dans les 2 mois : 295 euros
  • Cours de yoga privé de 90 minutes : 85 euros
  • Cours de yoga privé de 90 minutes, forfait prépayé de 5
    à prendre dans les 2 mois : 385 euros

Tarifs valables à Bruxelles 1000 uniquement. Sur rendez-vous uniquement.
Contactez-moi à info@weyogabrussels.be si vous souhaitez un cours de yoga adapté à vos besoins ou remplissez le formulaire à votre droite.

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Would you like yoga at your workplace?

Yoga can help employees to improve their productivity and mental clarity while reducing the number of their sick days.
Yoga creates inner peace, calm and presence, very important elements for being in tune with business environment. In addition, it provides cardiovascular benefits and increases the capacity of concentration.
Furthermore, it gives to the employees the opportunity to meet and interact with co-workers and supervisors in a friendly space and improve their relationships.

NGOs and company, such IPPF[1], ECRE[2] and ICF[3] employees are already experiencing the beneficial effects of yoga on their body and mind, and stress reducing is one of them.

Contact me if you want yoga on the grounds.

[1] International Planned Parenthood Federation
[2] European Council on Refugees and Exiles
[3] www.icfi.com

 Practical information

Please come about 10 to 15 minutes before class so you have time to change and settle in before class.

Please wear comfortable clothing, that allow you to move freely and at your ease.

No need to bring yoga mats (unless you want to use your own) or material, everything is provided in every studio.

Do not eat right before class, ideally no less than two hours before class. You can eventually eat a light snack at least 30 minutes before the class.

It ‘s your responsibility to inform the teacher of any health issues, injury, pregnancy, anything that is happening in your body that might need attention.
In any case, a yoga class does not replace a medical advice.